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Black Out Your Chrome Steering Wheel Emblem

Black Out Your Chrome Steering Wheel Emblem

If you're like us, you're on a mission to get rid of all the chrome that comes stock on your Tacoma, and trust us there's a lot of chrome! We searched high and low, and we have the perfect fix for the chrome steering wheel emblem with the AJT Design Steering Wheel Emblem Overlay.


How does it work?

The easiest way to explain how an overlay works would be to watch our YouTube video linked below, but we'll try to put it in words. An emblem overlay is a plastic molded emblem that sticks on over your current emblem. It only takes about 20 seconds to install. It has an adhesive sticker on it so you just place it over your old emblem and it sticks on. 

 Color Options

There are 11 colors available, there's black, red, cement, quicksand, army green, voodoo blue, cavalry blue, white, pink, sun fusion yellow, and gecko (in order with the photos below)


The Rundown

These AJT Designs Steering Wheel Emblem Overlays are the perfect option to get rid of the chrome emblem on your Tacoma. They are a clean and easy install and a small detail that looks rad and adds personality. You can purchase these here.

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Pete - September 26, 2024

Are these available for my 2015 2nd gen, video doesn’t mention year? I’d love to have one


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